1st Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning

The University of Windsor and Oakland University in Michigan are pleased to announce the first Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning. It will take place May 7-8, 2007 on the University of Windsor campus.
Organized by the Office of the Vice-Provost, Teaching & Learning at the University of Windsor and the Office of the Vice-Provost, Undergraduate Education at Oakland University, this two-day conference, with the theme Centred on Learning, will focus on interactions between learning outcomes, critical thinking and active learning. The conference will feature Dr. Craig Nelson and Dr. Geraldine Van Gyn as keynote speakers and workshop facilitators, as well as concurrent and poster sessions facilitated by faculty and graduate students from both universities. As a satellite event to the conference, Dr. Nelson will also conduct a special workshop for science educators.
Featured Conference Events
Eight concurrent sessions will deal with a broad range of topics including: the role of learning outcomes in course and programme planning, strategies for encouraging teaching effectiveness, and encouraging lifelong and multi-faceted learning.
Faculty from both universities will have an opportunity to network and share their ideas and research at the conference reception and poster session.
About Our Special Guests

Details about the conference can be found on the CFL web site: cfl.uwindsor.ca. Select the “Conference May 2007” from the site’s menu.
Ron J. Richard is Senior Instructional Designer and Manager, Distributed Learning, at the Centre for Flexible Learning, University of Windsor.
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